Gene's Dance World


High Level Narrative

The show traces the evolution of Latin dance from its Afro-Cuban roots.  The first section starts with an agricultural scene: men and women working in the fields. 

The second section uses a traditional bachata score to describe a very common theme: love lost, request for forgiveness, and redemption.

The final salsa section is a celebration of music and endings.  


Scene 1 – working in the fields

Afro-Cuban is a dance originated by slaves working in a farm setting.

Scene 2 -a romance

this bachata song centers around a man who’s done wrong and is asking for forgiveness.

Scene 3– Ending celebration

Salsa uses fast tempos and upbeat lyrics to weave a celebratory mood.

Choreographic Devices


Motifs, repetitions and echoes



Focusing Devices

Lights –

Costumes –

Exit mobile version